Community Needs Assessment

In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson laid out a full plan to provide more opportunities and support for our most vulnerable citizens.  This plan became The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, and was introduced as part of the War on Poverty.  The act also established the foundation for Community Action Agencies to assist low-income families, which later evolved to include Community Service Block Grants under the 1981 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act.

To ensure agencies are addressing the most pressing needs in their communities, they are tasked with periodically conducting community needs assessments to align services with current needs and maintain their grant eligibility.

During 2023-2024, YCAP conducted a comprehensive Community Needs Assessment to gain a deeper understanding of Yamhill County’s most pressing needs and strengths. The assessment combines quantitative and qualitative data to explore the causes and conditions of poverty specific to Yamhill County. In total, more than 650 Yamhill County residents were surveyed; 22 listening sessions were held with more than 150 participants; focus groups were conducted to gather insights from specialists in housing, food security, employment, and other critical areas; and a review of relevant data from census, poverty, and governmental reports was included.

2023-2024 Community Needs Assessment

The above is a summary of the findings and recommendations. For a copy of the full 133 page report, please contact

2018-2019 Community Needs Assessment