AnyDoor Place Navigation Centers
If you are currently experiencing homelessness or someone you know is experiencing homelessness and in need of overnight shelter, please apply by clicking the button below and choosing McMinnville or Newberg:
If you cannot complete the form above, please call AnyDoor Place McMinnville at 503-687-5783 or AnyDoor Place Newberg at 503-687-5782.
AnyDoor Yamhill Coordinated Entry
YCAP operates the AnyDoor Yamhill Coordinated Entry system for Yamhill County which is the entry point for housing services and can help with needs such as:
rental arrears and deposit assistance
ongoing housing assistance and connection to help with utilities
searching for an apartment
referral to a shelter and other local resources
You can access the AnyDoor Yamhill Coordinated Entry system by completing an initial screener. You can complete this screener by clicking the button below or calling (503) 687-1494.
Shelter Diversion
The Shelter Diversion program works with persons who are seeking entrance into a YCAP shelter or who are experiencing homelessness to explore all available housing options, such as natural support networks and rapid re-housing resources. It is designed to decrease the overall number of persons entering shelter in Yamhill County through short-term assistance.
Households seeking information about local shelters or diversion resources, should call (503) 687-1494 or use the Coordinated Entry link above.
Case Management
Case Management
YCAP offers case management services to persons in YCAP housing and Turnkey programs. Case managers focus on self-sufficiency and housing stability goals. Aftercare is also provided to clients for six months following exit from housing programs.
Spotlight Story
“A single mother of four young children, with one on the way, entered YCAP’s Transitional Living Shelter after having moved around from other shelters, to Motel 6, to her car. When a room opened in the shelter, she was able to move into YCAP’s shelter. Working with her case manager, she was able to connect with a primary care doctor and address her prenatal health. She qualified for a YCAP housing program and worked with her case manager to secure an apartment.”